Platform update
3rd Dimension — is a constantly developing application that is why you can be sure to open more and more useful features each day.
Our team strives to release the new updates as soon as possible, usually at least a couple times per month.
3rd Dimension automatically checks for updates on start and re-checks them every 10 minutes in the background. It helps you to get known about the latest updates just after we release them .
A green arrow will appear near the logo when a new version is available. Сlick on the "Logo" icon and open the sidebar, then press the “NEW VERSION” button at the bottom and get on About screen.
Press the "DOWNLOAD" button, and 3rd Dimension will download the latest version and prepare it for the update. When the download process is finished, 3rd Dimension will ask you about the restart. This action is required to apply the new version, but you can cancel the reboot and proceed using an application. In this case, updates will be applied on the next start of 3rd Dimension.Press the "DOWNLOAD" button, and 3rd Dimension will download the latest version and prepare it for the update. When the download process is finished, 3rd Dimension will ask you about the restart. This action is required to apply the new version, but you can cancel the reboot and proceed using an application. In this case, updates will be applied on the next start of 3rd Dimension.
If you accept an application restart for the update, it will close and reopen with the new version. This may take some time, and trading will be unavailable.
All of your local settings will be saved and applied for future updates because the update changes the Core files only.
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Last updated